About Us

Sustainable. Community-led. Impactful.

Who We Are

The Tom Green County (TGC) Hunger Coalition is a group of organizations and individuals taking action together to end hunger in our community.

What We Do

The TGC Hunger Coalition strategically assesses the structure and procedures of local food delivery systems, identifies resources and gaps, makes decisions for change, and implements action plans to ensure that more people have access to healthy and nutritious food. We galvanize the community behind the cause, empower community leaders, build long-term bonds of collaboration, maximize effective use of resources and ensure mutual accountability for results.

Action Focus Areas

Education & Resources

Mission: To collect, create, and share research and community resources with agencies and individuals in Tom Green County, including nutrition education and/or health resources.

Ongoing Projects: Community Pocket Resource Guide; Promote food and nutrition education opportunities for students and the community.

College Food Insecurity

Mission: Increase awareness about college food insecurity and support the area college campus food pantries.

Ongoing Projects: Food drives to stock college campus food pantries.

Faith Based

Mission: To work together to collect food and reduce immediate hunger through organizing emergency food needs for the San Angelo community.

Ongoing Projects: Blessing Boxes and Kids Eat Free Summer Meal Program


Mission: Ensure all seniors in the Concho Valley have access to nutritious food and nutrition education.

Ongoing Projects: Provide education programs for seniors.

Leadership Team


Rochel Blakemore
Atmos Energy

Mark Crouch
Kiwanis Club of West Angelo, San Angelo, Texas

Starr Long
Shannon Medical Center

Board Members

Shelly Bailey

Becky Bookter
Community Volunteer


Mary Herbert, West Texas Regional Director
Baylor Collaborative on Hunger and Poverty

Betty Teston, Child Hunger Outreach Specialist
Baylor Collaborative on Hunger and Poverty